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Align and Thrive Wellness

Live your best life

Wellness beyond 50

Radiate at any age


I'm Christina, and I help people over 50 to live their best lives.

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Wellness over 50 is paramount, for inclusivity and living a long, happy, healthy life. Wellness embodies mind,body and spirit ~ keep healthy and lead an active lifestyle in midlife and beyond.


At Align and Thrive Wellness, my intention is to educate and inspire as many people towards optimal health and wellness through cranio-sacral therapy, yoga, yoga therapy and holistic counselling.

Using these tools I accomplish this as I myself grow through contribution of my services, love of my practice and celebration of my personal and professional achievements.

I serve the best and highest intentions of all those who seek my help as an integral part of their whole health care and well-being.

I accomplish this by being a dedicated, passionate, energetic  and well trained professional by  practicing and applying my knowledge, compassion and empathy and ‘Dadirri‘ (the practice of Deep Inner Listening and still inner awareness).

I help save lives and improve the health and wellbeing of all by sharing this message of wellness with family, friends and all others who wish to learn and grow with me.

My objectives and goals change whenever they no longer meet these requirements to ones that do, understanding this is an ongoing evolution throughout life.

This is the Align and Thrive way and I am committed to it.


Find a place within your heart to rest. 

Let go of the need to sort your life out. 

To save the world. 

In this moment of refuge, you can release having to know what will come. 

Allowing yourself to take a break and calm your mind. 

Your problems and decisions can wait. 

You can get off the train. 

Breathing in, breathing out. 

Steeping in the gratitude of being alive. 

For just right now, you do not have to be responsible for anything or anyone. 

No rescues, no fixing. 

Yes, you can stop.

- Mitch Davidowitz


Christina Stoevelaar

Craniosacral Practitioner

Bookings 0404 945027

This is a healer’s work; it specialises in matters of the heart and soul.

Visionary craniosacral work combines sensitive, hands-on bodywork with meditative use of the inner eye and inner ear. Techniques are drawn from three principal traditions: osteopathy, energy work and Taoism. A supremely gentle approach, it is a way of ‘doing non-doing”. It honours both the analytic understanding of how things happen and the intuitive perception of how things really are. Combined, the soul can be touched and real healing occurs.

The gentle techniques used in CST allows the body to correct what needs to be corrected in it to relieve pain and improve all of its functions. As this happens, the person will notice a massive improvement in their health. They are able to sleep better, move better, feel less stressed and enjoy an increased level of energy. Headaches, TMJ, tinnitus, and stress-related issues really benefit from Craniosacral therapy. 

Initial treatment 120 minutes $150
Further treatments 90 minutes $120

Fully Insured

The gentle techniques used in CST allow the body to correct what needs to be corrected to relieve pain and improve all of its functions. As this happens, the person will notice a massive improvement in their health. They are able to sleep better, move better, feel less stressed and enjoy an increased level of energy.

  • Alzheimer's disease and dementia

  • Autism

  • Central nervous system disorders

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Chronic neck and back pain

  • Colic

  • Concussions and traumatic brain injuries

  • Emotional difficulties

  • Fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders

  • Infantile disorders

  • Learning disabilities

  • Migraine and headaches

  • Motor coordination impairments

  • Neurovascular or immune disorders

  • Orthopaedic problems

  • Post-surgical dysfunction

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Scoliosis

  • Spinal cord injuries

  • Stress and tension-related problems

  • Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ)


 4th Sunday each month.


Bookings Essential ~ 0404 945 027

Journey into Stillness 101:

Using various somatic tools (breath work, Yoga Nidra, somatic scanning and supported asanas) we will deepen our awareness of what arises in the body/mind during this gentle but profound
practice. As we turn toward our inner world we find where we may build our somatic intelligence.
This is an invitation to pause and include the
subtle whisperings of the body.
As a practice Restorative Yoga the ongoing commitment to oneself to invite healing, ‘deep rest’ and renewal to occur through activation of the parasympathetic nervous system or ‘rest and digest mode’ is built on.
This approach helps to cultivate compassion,
respect and acceptance of one's body and its inherent limitations.

$40 per class

 Fully Insured


Thursday mornings  9.30 - 11am

(Bookings Essential ~ Text 0404 945 027)

Hatha Yoga – Thursday morning 9.30-11am
Hatha refers to the physical practice of yoga.
Classes focus on breathwork, postures, relaxation,
and meditation. This is an excellent class to learn
the foundations of yoga in a safe and supportive
environment. Postures are held for an extended
period to ensure proper alignment and build
strength and flexibility. No experience is required
and suitable for all levels of experience.

$30 per class - drop-in

$25 per class - 5 class pass $125

$20 per class - 10 class pass $200

Fully Insured

When you touch one thing with deep awareness, this is what I ache for: intimacy with myself, others, and the world, intimacy that touches the sacred in all that is life... ... If we are never consumed by the transforming fire of our desires,

we risk falling in love with the sweet ache of longing, the daydream of

"what if"...or "some day"...

- Oriah Mountain Dreamer 



Fun, funny, and passionate about life (most days), my yoga teaching and practice are my lifeblood. My connection to the divine. Being in nature keeps me grounded and revitalised. I thrive on healthy, delicious, tasty organic food, I don't believe in sacrificing flavour for healthy choices, I advocate BOTH. Yes, you can have it all.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, Yoga Teacher, and Yoga Therapist with a Diploma in Holistic Counselling, my intention in my practice is to foster a sense of safety and self-acceptance through mindful breath work (pranayama), alignment and gentle movement.

My personal journey of growth and discovery spans over 50 years. I grew up with an Osteopath father who fostered a life-long love for natural therapies. I was introduced to yoga around age 40 when a friend took me to a private studio with an Iyengar teacher. I didn't know what to expect but I was hooked!

In 2006 I went on to do my first Hatha Yoga teacher training in British Columbia, Canada where I lived and worked for 8 years. This has led me to the heart of my practice which is nervous system repair. A gentle Hatha style yoga woven with Restorative Yoga and Craniosacral Therapy. I have had the honour to have studied with a myriad of Australian and international teachers such as Leila Stuart, Donna Farhi, Evelyn Nieman, Ashe Dieleman, Naresh King, Aurora Hammond, Swan, Wendy Eyton, Max Schubach and most recently Craniosacral therapy with Matthew Kirsch from The Milne Institute. This work can help to change the trajectory of your life as it has mine through greater freedom from limitations both real (accidents, injuries) and perceived (patterns we are carrying from trauma & dysfunction) leading us to greater self connection, wellbeing and vitality.

Yoga Therapy 1:1

Yoga Therapy 1:1 can be done in your home or preferred place, or in my Ocean Shores studio.

According to the International Association of Yoga Therapists: 

“Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of the teachings and practices of Yoga.” 

  • Deeply relaxes the body.

  • Stills your busy mind.

  • Releases tension of your muscles, improving mobility and flexibility.

  • Improves capacity for healing and balancing.

  • Balances the nervous system.

  • Boosts the immune system.

  • Develops qualities of compassion and understanding toward others and self.

  • ​ “restores” the body to its parasympathetic nervous system function, which, in turn, helps the body rest, heal, and restore balance

1:1 session 120 minutes $150

Followup sessions 90 minutes $120

Travel time if required at additional cost

Fully Insured

The difference between YOGA and YOGA THERAPY

While the role of a yoga therapist is distinct from that of a yoga teacher in a variety of ways, the difference between yoga and yoga therapy isn’t necessarily as clear-cut. In simple terms one can say, that any time a person uses yoga to relieve or overcome a health condition, they are engaging in yoga therapy. 
The major difference between yoga and yoga therapy can be made through its approach. When we talk about yoga it’s all about a series of yoga poses along with breath work and meditation leading to overall physical and mental wellbeing. Yoga is usually taught in classes or small groups. 
When we talk about yoga therapy it has an individual approach completely based upon the person’s medical condition. The yoga therapy session is designed keeping in mind the ‘whole being’ including health, illness, strength, age, state of the central nervous system etc. of the client. 
In yoga, your teacher designs the sequence keeping in mind the needs of every student in a general sense. A yoga therapist will design the yoga session by targeting the specific ailment or issue /yoga=union and works according to that. It is not just about teaching yoga; it is all about the utilization of every yoga therapy technique to restore the health and well-being of the student. For example yoga therapy session for depression will be different from yoga therapy session for back pain. 




Christina has wonderful sensitivity on all levels and gave me a
most beautiful healing craniosacral treatment. I highly recommend her.

Sallie Portnoy

The G-Spot Glass

I joined the Sunday Restorative 3-5pm class at Brunswick last week, and it was absolutely fantastic. 2 hours of complete bliss and I swear I came out of there taller Thanks Christine, it was absolutely lovely, I felt so looked after.

Trish Hammond
The Pink Room

I have been a meditator for many years yet it became
obvious I was not touching the underlying trauma I have
been carrying since childhood. I have tried many modalities
to help heal this trauma but most didn’t deliver, including
Cranial-Sacral with several different practitioners. However
the work Christina does with her Cranial Sacral Treatment is
on a whole different level. She was able to reach that deep
level of trauma that I had been holding onto for so long.
During her sessions I experienced times of trembling and
shaking in my body as the trauma was releasing. The
surprising thing is that her work is so gentle and easy.
Because of my experiences with Christina I highly
recommend her and am confident you will benefit from
profound and real change….in gratitude..

Len Bates


I attended a 2 hour restorative yoga session last saturday
with Christina Yogini .I felt so relaxed and grateful for her
output of energy she bestowed on the class of eight. She is so
in tune with what is going on within the class environment.
When I left I was lightheaded and feeling great! thank you
gorgeous Christina." -

Jenny Kaposi


I just love having a cranio-sacral treatment with Christina !!  
Her knowledge of the craft combined with her caring, 
insightful and gentle approach allows my body to totally
relax and unravel the muscles and fascia that have been
twisting my body due to the stresses I have experienced.   I
come away feeling at ease,  emotionally freer, seen and
supported through a therapy that is so gentle,  but more
effective than any massage or chiropractic treatment.   I
totally recommend it !!

Camilla Nova


Dru Yoga

and Meditation teacher



Christina Yogini (Stoevelaar)

Ocean Shores

NSW 2483

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